Awarding approaches (DRAFT)


cfaua has common complaintPeriod for all the awards. Here is how it works.

After decisions added to all the awards, tenderer switches tender status from active.qualification to active.qualification.stand-still.

awardPeriod.endDate is calculated as now + 10 days and then assigned to the each award as complaintPeriod.endDate

if self.all_awards_are_reviewed(after):
    after["awardPeriod"]["endDate"] = calculate_complaint_business_date(
        get_now(), self.qualification_complaint_stand_still, after
    for award in after["awards"]:
        if award["status"] != "cancelled":
            award["complaintPeriod"] = {
                "startDate": get_now().isoformat(),
                "endDate": after["awardPeriod"]["endDate"],

Agreements (Contracts) are added at the end of awardPeriod if there is no complaints.

Default awarding

In all the other procedures every award has its own unique complaintPeriod, based on datetime the decision was posted. Also pending contracts are posted to every(usually only one) status=active award.

For the most of the procedures status=active award is the last one, so it’s decision the latest aw well as the complaintPeriod.endDate

Once complaintPeriod is over, it’s safe to proceed with the contract. But not in the case of Collective Quantity Procedure.